Cette page est en mise à jour. Les informations pour la 27e édition du Défi OSEntreprendre seront diffusées cet automne.
  • Volets Scolaire et Étudiant
  • Volet Création d'entreprise
  • Volet Réussite inc.
  • Volet Faire affaire ensemble
  • Lauréats
  • Gala des Grands Prix Desjardins
  • Categories and Prizes

    Each representative registers the project in one of the official categories according to the educational level of the young people involved.

    Official categories

    • Preschool: Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Elementary Cycle One (Elementary 1 and 2): Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Elementary Cycle Two (Elementary 3 and 4): Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Elementary Cycle Three (Elementary 5 and 6): Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Special Education – Elementary School: Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Secondary Cycle One (Secondary I and II): Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Secondary Cycle (Secondary III, IV and V): Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Special Education – Secondary School: Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Special Education – Secondary School and Adult Education: Prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • Vocational Training and Adult Education: Prize at the provincial level 3 000$
    • College: 1st prize at the provincial level 5 000$ | 2nd prize at the provincial level 2 000$
    • University: 1st prize at the provincial level 5 000$ | 2nd prize at the provincial level 2 000$

    Special Prizes - Jury's Favourite

    • Co-operative, Fondation pour l’éducation à la coopération et à la mutualité: Prize at the regional level 500$ | Prize at the provincial level 2000$

      The Jury’s Favourite Co-operative was created to showcase an entrepreneurial project that used a co-operative model from among the provincial winners of the Défi OSEntreprendre.

    Some details on the categories


    Only projects undertaken by students registered in an educational institution are accepted.

    Multi-level projects

    If a project is presented by students from different categories, the project will be placed in the category corresponding to the highest level of education, provided that the level is representative of at least one third of the group. For example, a project presented by 18 students from Elementary Cycle Three and 6 students from Secondary Cycle One will be registered in the Elementary Cycle Three category, since the Secondary Cycle One students make up 25% of the group (i.e. less than one third). However, a project presented by 16 students from Elementary Cycle Three and 8 students from Secondary Cycle One will be registered in the Secondary Cycle One category, since the Secondary Cycle One students make up 33%—or one third—of the group.

    Special Education – Elementary School

    For elementary school, projects carried out by a majority of students with disabilities, social maladjustments or learning difficulties, that is 50% + 1 of the project participants, fall into this category.

    Participating students must be able to meet the Défi OSEntreprendre eligibility criteria in the same capacity as regular students, that is, they must be able to participate meaningfully in the project tasks, as well as in project development and decision making.

    Special Education – Secondary School and Adult Education 

    Students enrolled in one of the following programs must register their project in the Secondary School and Adult Education – Special Education category:


    Participating students must be able to meet the Défi OSEntreprendre eligibility criteria in the same capacity as regular students, that is, they must be able to participate meaningfully in the project tasks, as well as in project development and decision making.

    For projects that include a number of students who are eligible under the Secondary School and Adult Education – Special Education category, a minimum of 50% + 1 of the group must consist of students who are eligible under Special Education in order for the project to be registered in this category. For example, if a project is presented by 15 students, at least 9 students must be eligible under the Secondary School and Adult Education – Special Education category in order for it to be registered in this category.

    Vocational Training and Adult Education

    The Vocational Training and Adult Education category is designed for students enrolled in vocational training or adult general education.

    Adults with social maladjustments who receive social integration instructional services in an adult education institution fall into the Secondary School and Adult Education – Special Education category.

    Des questions?

    Pour la mise en œuvre du Défi OSEntreprendre, 300 responsables locaux et régionaux se mobilisent dans les 17 régions du Québec afin de mettre en lumière les projets issus de leur milieu.

    Communiquez avec votre responsable

    En savoir plus

    Des ressources et d'outils sont mis à votre disposition par des organismes partout au Québec.

    Découvrez les ressources et les outils

    Partenaires de la 26e édition du Défi OSEntreprendre

    Partenaire présentateur

    Partenaire en titre

    Partenaires Platine

    Partenaires Argent